Sagittarius Mood Board

We interrupt this Sagittarius season to bring you her vibe on a silver platter. I had perhaps the most fun with this compilation than I’ve had with any of the zodiac signs so far. Sagittarius’s ruling planet is Jupiter who rules over luck, abundance, travel, and expansion- which roughly translates to a riotous party.

This season is one for celebrating, receiving, throwing your head back and laughing. If you haven’t gotten around to playing with your friends yet, scribble it into your planner to make time for fun.

When finding ways that the Sagittarius archetype can be visualized, I gravitated toward bright, colorful images, especially warm combinations, analog media, psychedelic themes, wide open spaces, anti-establishment subjects, and objects presented in abundance.

The result was an unusually delicious block of images that I just can’t look away from. All the sources are linked, so if something tickles you, please check out the artists and use these images for your vision boards or whatever it is you use digital inspiration for.

My wish is for this to someday become a more collaborative project, so if you have any images or captions to contribute or even an element of design that you associate with this wintery fire sign, please leave a comment.

On that note; embrace your biggest dreams and leave space for luck to come through for you. See you soon.


Victoria Strong


Scorpio Mood Board