Scorpio Mood Board
Welcome to Scorpio season, ladies and babies. Coming from my own stomping grounds in Libra, Scorpio is the sign that I feel most unfamiliar with, and that makes sense, doesn’t it? She doesn’t want to be looked at directly. So, in an effort to avoid flattening this complex energy into a trite stereotype, I sourced some wisdom from my threads followers and was met with pure poetry. Here’s what they had to say about their Scorpio placements;
mollyebrewer: “It’s easier to surrender to the pain of death, because it makes the beauty of rebirth more satisfying-and also beautiful.”
lovenehajha: “depth of care, protection and desire. both guarded and vulnerable. scorpio is a fixed sign, transformation is a long-term process, not a quick change <3”
itsjesbaker:"To hell and back is a form of self love and communal care.”
saturnsgold:“Jupiter in Scorpio - the transformation you seek is hiding behind the pain you avoid”
candiedram: “Sacrifice is their love language”
Equipped with this language and the unique experience of being loved by some big Scorpio placements, here’s where my focus was in sourcing imagery for this fixed water sign:
Depth of field and emotion, reflections, things of illusory nature, sex, death, desire, obsession and transformation, high contrast, private spaces, obscurity and ornamentalism. This is the second edition without commentary as I’d like to invite you to draw connections yourself and let your own impression of the astrological archetype to drive your experience with this post.
I had a bit of a mishap while compiling this edition and lost the sources for almost every image. I try to link to the original artist whenever possible so I’ll be coming in retroactively to provide sources. If you need one immediately, shoot me an email at and I’ll hook you up.
The standing request is that if you have an image of your own to add to this compilation, you’ll add the link in the comments so we can all enjoy your expansion.
Dive in and embrace your depth.