Entrepreneurship is a psychedelic, spiritual experience, especially when the business you are creating is aligned with your soul’s work.

Making business decisions purely based on algorithms and marketing trends while ignoring the spirit is like working with one hand tied behind your back. And making decisions based on fear and confusion is even worse.

Take a pause from the hustle to sit in a calm and expansive space with me where we can unravel the knots in your thoughts, source guidance from the subconscious, and walk away feeling clear, confident, and refreshed.

tarot readings

I left my reading comforted by what was discovered, and with answers to questions I didn’t even know I had!


I gained COMPLETE clarity and had the excitement and motivation to run forward with confidence.


Captivating brand designer and business tarot reader based in Phoenix, Arizona. Bringing mystical and feminine vibes to the beauty, wellness, and esoteric industries. Specializing in intuitive business strategies and unique design flair.

Mere hours after our session, I started seeing and noticing the signs she had mentioned looking out for!


I came into the reading feeling very stressed and overwhelmed with life and came out feeling lighter, clearer, and so inspired.


My reading was spot on, it was amazing. It really helped me feel confident and comfortable


I did not feel rushed or stressed during my session with Tori at all. It was probably the most peaceful tarot reading I've ever received.


venture vision reading room

Visionaries need devoted space and time to examine the energetic state of your business or other creative project with an experienced reader to gain clarity, confidence, and comfort.

Let me and the cards be your collaborators in assessing challenges, opportunities, and potential. This reading takes place 1:1 in a private zoom room and includes a grounding meditation and a recording of our call. ($149)

chapter report reading

You are the main character of your story but sometimes you’re too stuck in the pages to be able to tell what chapter you’re in.

Using tarot as a story telling tool, you’ll receive an enchanting written report on the present and near future themes, lessons, and plot of your current chapter.

You can choose your areas of focus from themes like creativity, career, relationships, etc. ($77)

Meet the oracle

I read my first spread in 2020 and was stunned at how clear and comforting the message was. I’ve spent my life connecting with the divine, but to me prayer was smoke signals and tarot felt like an eloquently written love letter.

My philosophy is that a session should be empowering, expansive, and liberating for the querent (you). I never lie about what the cards say, even when it’s something you may not wish to hear but I promise to deliver the message with as much grace and love as I can.

xx, tori

events and retreats

Increase the value of your experience by offering tarot readings to your guests. Contact me for a custom quote.