My First Job as a Traveling Tarot Reader

I’m fresh off the plane from what I can only describe as a major milestone of my career as a mystic.

If you’re new here, hi, I’m Vic(tori)a. I am a psychic brand designer. I channel messages and images for people following their passion. Sometimes I’m hired to design an aesthetic world around a business and sometimes I’m hired for a quick reading to see what’s going on with a brand and it's owner, but it’s really the same skills I employ no matter the project.

Of course, the circles I move in are full of creatives earning a living from their art; CEOs, girl bosses, side hustlers, content creators, the like. I saw one of my favorite business energetics coaches, Kinzie Madsen, marketing her retreat months ago, right as my virtual tarot readings were taking off and booking up. I instantly started day dreaming about offering those readings in person to retreat attendees who were already immersed in an atmosphere of deep thought and expansion.

So I reached out via email to see if there was any interest in having a reader on the trip as a sort of bonus gift to the attendees. I do a lot of shooting my shot, so I completely forgot about it until I got a response months later saying YES, they’d love to have me. I had previously given a reading to Kinzie, so she was familiar with my style of reading and knew we’d be a good fit.

I cried when I opened that email. Of course I did. Having the opportunity to do my work and share my gift, traveling, and having my needs taken care of so abundantly while I did so is a dream come true. They put me up in the mansion airbnb rented for the trip in my own gorgeous bedroom, extended Disney World tickets to me, and treated me like another one of the guests.

The retreat was structured so about half of each day was spent in workshops learning from each other and the other half was spent at the Disney parks playing and having fun. Those rollercoaster lines just fly by when you’re neck deep in conversations about product design, north nodes, and finding god in a theme park. Then in our free time I had scheduled tarot readings with each attendee, most of the readings landing on the last day when we didn’t go to the parks.

My readings went very much how they usually go when I’m doing them virtually, except that some of them were done poolside. Some topics that came up were:

  • How would motherhood affect my passion and drive for my business?

  • I can tell I’m about to grow a lot and I’m scared of having more to stress over.

  • Why am I feeling so much scarcity when my business is doing well?

  • Which of these two new business ideas should I move on?

  • What do I have to learn from this difficult tax situation?

  • How can I support myself financially while starting my business?

I feel like I grew so much as a reader during that tarot marathon and I have a whole new image for what is possible for me as a mystic. I can see more readings in person at retreats, summits, and conferences. Maybe a tarot salon in my hometown someday?

I know a lot of tarot readers are deeply introverted homebodies and might think my dream experience would be their personal nightmare. But I’d love to encourage other business owners of any sort to broaden your vision of what the structure of your business could be. Business is so malleable, the work situation that would be perfect for you probably hasn’t been done yet.

Creating it is the fun part.



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