Run Your Business like a Psychic

Starting my business was a spiritual experience. Journaling on my visions, waking up during witching hours to jot down ideas, just constantly feeling that burning, tingling, sparkling newness that accompanies the beginning of a project you totally vibe with. It’s that one of wands energy.

Actually working the day to day of that business though? The tasks and the posts and the finances. Sometimes it feels so mortal. I can entirely forget what a big chunk of my soul is involved in this venture, how much it felt like divine inspiration that I should do it in the first place.

On one hand, that’s totally fine. Maybe being in that dreamy space 24/7 isn’t 100% sustainable. But I miss it! I love to feel guided and inspired and a little witchy in my work. And if I lose touch with it altogether, I lose the magic the fuels me on the hard days. And in entrepreneurship, that fuel is an invaluable resource.

So I’ve set up brand rituals within my business planning. This is time for me to spend with my journal or tarot or simply with my eyes closed dreaming my dreams and remembering that deeper intuitive drive that led me here in the first place. These spaces are just as important to me as my quarterly book keeping and my content planning. Okay actually, it’s way more important than my content planning, I haven’t quite nailed that one down yet. But I intend make one from that place of intuitive connection. The same place my brand was born from.

Here’s how I do mine, feel free to copy any or all of it:


I am self employed, my virgo is in Venus, if it’s not on my calendar it’s very unlikely to happen. Putting it on my calendar is how I give the practice importance. I go for quarterly rituals but will do it more often when I’m feeling very disconnected from my work.


Though the term ritual implies repetitive action, I find that leaving room for intuition to guide me makes these spaces more enjoyable and effective. Some days it feels like no force on earth could get me to journal. So I’ll meditate instead. I am always changing, along with my audience and my brand. It makes sense that I’ll need different tactics to tackle different problems and evolve alongside my mission.


That being said, I find it is really helpful to do something to link these rituals together. My move is to light the same candle every time I do them. It’s like I’ve trained my brain to get into that space faster every time I smell that jasmine sandalwood situation. You could do the same thing with a playlist, a location, or another form of fragrance.


I do think the simple act of engaging in these rituals does wonders for me and my brand. HOWEVER, the real magic comes from bringing the ideas I have within those spaces to the real world. Bring along a notepad or your notes app because you’re sure to have some juicy break throughs. Get that shit on paper so you can make good use of the time you spent acquiring them.

This has become such an anchor in my creative career that as a contracted designer, I have all my clients spend some time in ritual space and share that work with me so I can better understand the soul behind their brand and create a more effective design for them.

If you do something like this, or plan to do something like this, please leave your tips in the comments of this post! Someone reading this needs your unique spin on biz rituals.

I’ll be leading a group Brand Ritual on April 12th, if you’d like to kick off your practice in community, I’d love for you to join us. Visit the shop and check out Brand Ritual Live.


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Aries Mood Board